Category: Event
Kreatives Screendesign von Innlights
Verleihung der Wuppertaler Wirtschaftspreise 2021 vor freistehender LED-Kulisse in der Glashalle
Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Oberbürgermeisters Uwe Schneidewind wurden die Preisträger aus drei Kategorien am 27.10.21 gekürt. Erneut realisierte Innlights Displaysolutions die Videozuspielung für das jährliche Event in der Glashalle der Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal. Hierzu gehörten die Kamera- und Regietechnik sowie die LED-Hardware und die technische Betreuung. Kolja Birkenbach von Innlights erklärt das Setup: „Die LED-Wand war frei im Raum angeordnet, mit der Breite von 15 Metern bei einer maximalen Höhe von 4,5 Metern. Mit speziellen LED-Modulen haben wir das Bild in die Tiefe verlängert, sozusagen über die Ecke laufen lassen. So verdeckten wir den störenden Einblick hinter das Bühnenbild und gleichzeitig wirkte das Gesamtbild tatsächlich dreidimensional.“ Dieser Umsetzung lag ein individueller Sonderbau zugrunde mit den LED-Modulen InnScreen C2 HE, die ein qualitativ sehr hochwertiges Bild darstellen: mit einem Pixelabstand von nur 2,84 mm für eine sehr hohe Auflösung und mit einem hohen Kontrast durch die „Black Face & Non Glossy“ LED-Technologie. Innlights war bereits in einer frühen Phase involviert und konnte in Zusammenarbeit mit der projektführenden Agentur „ur-werk Veranstaltungsplanung“ aus Wuppertal beratend tätig werden und die Umsetzung mitplanen. Projektbeteiligt war neben Sven Petersen (Event Support, Wuppertal) für die Grundprogrammierung und Ventuz Hardware-Unterstützung auch „6tant“, Agentur für Medien und Kommunikation, mit Ralf Silberkuhl, der als Art Director die Videospots zu den jeweiligen Preisträgern produzierte. In der Bildregie erstellte Innlights in Ventuz (3D-Echtzeit-Authoring-Software) weitere Bildinhalte, wie zum Beispiel die begleitenden Motive zur Gebäudeillumination des Stadtmarketingpreisträgers Gregor Eisenmann. Unter der Regie von Ralf Silberkuhl spielte Innligts das Gesamtprogramm und die Kamerabilder zu. Für diese Live-Videos und zur Aufnahme waren drei bemannte Kameras und zwei zusätzliche Dome-Kameras im Einsatz. „Für den Bereich Video waren wir der verantwortliche Dienstleister bis hin zu weiteren LED-Wänden im Eingangsbereich inklusive der Grafikanimation, die wir über unsere Innlights Remote Control Application (Innlights RCA) stand alone zuspielten.“
LED-Walls von Innlights bei Streaming-Event mit Lady Gaga
Einzigartiges Hybridkonzert in Deutschlands größtem Shopping Center in Oberhausen
Das Rebranding des Center-Betreibers Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield machte im Juli diesen Jahres aus dem Centro Oberhausen im Herzen des Ruhrgebietes das „Westfield Centro“. Und das reiht sich jetzt in die „Flagship Shopping Center“ der renommierten Marke Westfield ein. Im Netzwerk dieser Destinationen in Europa und den USA war das Center im September Teil eines exklusiven, globalen Events mit der Grammy-Preisträgerin Lady Gaga, das zeitgleich international in 21 Westfield Centern am 20. September stattfand. Hierbei wurden die Videosignale nicht nur an die verschiedenen Event-Orte aus den USA übertragen, sondern auch Livebilder via Satellit untereinander in die Destinationen gestreamt. Im Auftrag der Kommunikations- und 360° Werbeagentur Contact realisierte Innlights Displaysolutions die Bildwiedergabe auf drei großen LED-Walls im Außenbereich des Centers auf einer Bühne. Zugespielt wurde das gestreamte Live-Konzert von FISCHERandFRIENDS via Barco E2 Event Controller und Dataton Watchout. Für Bühne, Licht und Ton war Thöne & Partner zuständig. Zum Einsatz kamen dabei für den Sound L-Acoustics-Systeme der K-Serie. Die genannten Dienstleister sind Wuppertaler Firmen, die in der Vergangenheit bereits oft und versiert Hand in Hand zusammenarbeiteten. Abgerundet wurde das Event mit einem Feuerwerk von Luna SFX. Die LED-Walls von Innlights, mit einer rund 40 Quadratmeter großen Gesamtbildfläche, bestanden aus den hochaufgelösten LED-Modulen der Indoor-/Outdoor-Serie InnScreen R3 mit einem Pixelabstand von nur 3,9 mm. Für die qualitativ hochwertige Bilddarstellung sorgten nicht nur die LED-Module, sondern auch das Videoprocessing mit InVision SCL-Controllern. Sie sind ebenfalls eine Eigenentwicklung von Innlights und ermöglichen eine hochaufgelöste Ansteuerung von LED-Panels bei einer sehr hohen „Refresh rate“. Kolja Birkenbach von Innlights zeigt sich mit dem Bildergebnis sehr zufrieden: „Unsere LED-Module sind mit 4.500 cd/qm sehr hell und kontrastreich. Sie lassen sich schnell und passgenau aufbauen. Und kaum ist dieses Event hier vorbei, sind wir schon bei der Planung für vier große LED-Türme anlässlich des Weihnachtsmarkts hier im Westfield Centro. Auch diese werden mit InnScreen R3 erstrahlen.“
Projektionskunst trifft 108qm LED
Knapp zwei Monate lang strahlte das Kunstprojekt „Faces“ im Zentrum Düsseldorfs. Mittels Projection Mapping wurden Gesichter auf eine überdimensionale Maske gelegt. Flankiert wurde die beeindruckende Installation des Künstlers Jan Ising von zwei großen LED-Walls von Innlights.
Ernst, freundlich, lächelnd und mit Grimasse – Gesichter in diesen vier Ausdrücken zeigte das Projekt „Faces“ des Künstlers Jan Ising während des Düsseldorf-Festivals vergangenes Jahr. Die Botschaft: Egal, welche Hautfarbe wir haben oder wie wir aussehen, wir sind alle Menschen. Um das zu verdeutlichen wurde auf dem Burgplatz der Stadt eine acht Meter große Halbmaske aufgehängt. Täglich mit Anbruch der Dämmerung wurden dann über Projection Mapping-Technologie rund 400 zuvor aufgezeichnete Gesichter auf „einem Kopf“ gezeigt.
Tagsüber Werbung, abends Show
Teil der Installation waren zwei ebenso große LED-Walls, je 6 Meter breit und 9 Meter hoch, vom Dienstleister für LED-Installationen Innlights. Die jeweils 54qm großen LED-Walls zeigten über Tag Werbung für das Festival, das Projekt und dessen Sponsor Vodafone. Die genutzten Module waren vom Typ InnScreen y4 HE. Diese liefern laut Innlights tageslichthelle Bilder mit 3.300 cd/qm und dank der LED-Technologie „Nationstar Black Face 1921“ mit einem hohen 6.000:1 Bildkontrast. Bei einem Pixel Pitch von 4,81mm lag die Bildauflösung der fertigen LED-Walls damit jeweils bei 1.248 x 1.872 Pixeln. So waren die Bildinhalte aus nah und fern bestens zu sehen.
Abends wurden die LED-Walls parallel zum Projection Mapping-Event als flankierende visuelle Kulisse genutzt. Für die Zuspielung der LED-Videomotive kam die von Innlights entwickelte Remote Control Application (Innlights RCA) zum Einsatz. So konnte der Content über Smartphones und Tablets gesteuert werden. „Vom Trucking bis zur Übergabe erfolgte die Umsetzung aus einer Hand. Wir waren zuständig für die Planung und Installation der LED-Technik. Den Aufbau haben wir mit unseren Technikern, die alle als Industriekletterer ausgebildet sind, durchgeführt“, fasst Kolja Birkenbach, bei Innlights verantwortlich für die Planung des Projekts, die Realisierung zusammen.
New 60 qm high-end LED screen at CentrO
Innlights display solutions with InnScreen F10 blackface for SIGN YOU mediascreen.
On Essener Straße in Oberhausen, the Wuppertal-based company Innlights Displaysolutions has renewed one of its older LED installations after many years of use on behalf of the media owner. In the process, the advertising space in the best location on CentrO was doubled. The replacement was completed in just five days, including dismantling, conversion of the steel substructure and installation of 66 InnScreen F10 blackface LED panels.
The structural measures on site were carried out completely by the interdisciplinary team of Innlights. Kolja Birkenbach from Innlights adds: “In addition to the installation work, we also designed the steel support during the planning phase. It is precisely matched to the dimensions and weight of the InnScreen F10 outdoor panel with its lightweight aluminum construction. The image technology weighs only 2 tons in total with a display size of 10.5 meters wide and 5.8 meters high.
The display is weatherproof specified as IP65 and designed for front service. The brilliant image of the blackface display is based on the redundantly designed “Jointec-SMD”. The InnScreen F10 LED panel achieves 4,000 cd/qm brightness with extremely high contrast-levels. Kolja Birkenbach adds: “With panels from our F series, we have previously commissioned a large LED display with InnScreen F8 modules for SIGN YOU here at CentrO in Oberhausen. Since then, this has proven its cost-effectiveness, in 24/7 operation all year round with its energy-saving technology and high UV resistance”.
Successful BOE participation for Innlights
Video Cube and Innlights RCA Remote Control App at „Wow Wuppertal”. Innlights Displaysolutions was exhibiting at booth C24 in hall 7 at this year’s Best of Events in Dortmund. The joint stand was planned and organized by FAIR EVENTS 10.0 for the marketing cooperation „Wow Wuppertal”. Innlights, also from Wuppertal, supplied the InnScreen C2 LED displays including the Innlights Remote Control App for the feeds of the four pages on the high-resolution video cube. Hartmut Vogel, Managing Director of FAIR EVENTS 10.0, commented: „The Innlights RCA fitted perfectly into our trade fair concept. Each partner on the stand was able to individually and interactively integrate their desired content without any technical assistance, either by mobile phone or tablet.” Innlights’ LED technology not only demonstrated the performance of its latest version of the Remote Control App, but also the prove the outstanding image quality of InnScreen C2. Thomas Klem, Innlights Managing Director, said: „C2 is a high-end indoor LED product with a small pixel pitch of just 2.84mm, working with Innlights’ new 2D and 3D processing. As a single batch, Innlights has a storage volume of 500 square meters of C2.”
InnScreen S2 enables Visual Digitization at Stadionwelt
As part of a second cooperation, Innlights Displaysolutions presented another very up-to-date and high-resolution LED panel with InnScreen S2 at the Stadionwelt stand in Hall 5, Booth B20. The advantages of the LED panel with its „Direct Wall Mounting” specification made it easy for visitors to convince themselves at the Stadionwelt stand. The InnScreen S-Series is mounted directly on the wall without the need for a rear triangle, with a thickness of only 42 mm. It is suitable for fixed installations, e.g. retail digital signage applications. Stadionwelt was also very satisfied. „For the first time we used a digitally feeded LED display here at BOE. We are happy about the great picture brilliance, the flexible playback of the pictures and the diverse forms of presentation”, says Carsten Ponsar from Stadionwelt. Media control systems such as the Innlights RCA are being used more and more frequently at trade fairs, because they are recorded and controlled with content in a user-friendly and cost-efficient manner via mobile phone or tablet. Thomas Klem summarizes: „More and more customers are convinced of the advantages of digital information and content, while being easy to use. This leads to an increasing spread of visual digitization in all areas of application.”
Innlights delivers 450 sqm LED panels for a digital art project
Drive in Museum Rotterdam relies on InnScreen R3 HE-Series
In special times, new and innovative concepts emerge. This was also the case last summer in Rotterdam’s exhibition halls. The “Boijmans Van Beuningen” museum had already closed before the pandemic in 2019 for renovation reasons. And since the exhibition halls in Rotterdam have not been used since March 2020, the museum was able to implement an unusual exhibition format there and initiated a drive-in exhibition. The image formats of the exhibits and media installations were also unusual. Visitors drove independently through the large, thirteen-meter-high exhibition halls in their own or rented emission-free electric car. They sat protected in the vehicles while observing the applicable safety distances and experienced the installations and digital works of art in the exhibition through the car windows. A total of four huge LED screens, each 14 m wide and 8 m high, were set up and filled with digital art. The LED panels were hung diagonally in the room for optimal viewing from the car and enabled full-format viewing through the window panes. The only 3.4 to heavy LED displays were planned, statically calculated and installed for the partner company VidiSquare from Belgium by the Wuppertal company Innlights Displaysolutions. The InnScreen R3 HE LED panel with a 3.9 mm pixel pitch was used, which has already been used at various major international events, such as the Pan American Games 2019 in Peru. The LED batch covers 1,000 square meters and is therefore one of the largest 3.9 mm batches for indoor/outdoor use in the European market.
360° LED Screen-Installation in Cologne
Innlights realized 130 sqm LED with smartphone control .
In the new, expanded InCavall „VIP Club“ on the Cologne Ring, the modern interior design and the large-format LED screens create a completely variable, virtual room that can be controlled with a smartphone. Depending on the theme of the event, the guests immerse themselves in a dynamically animated world of images and videos. The implementation and conception on the one hand, as well as the technology and installation on the other hand, were realized by the Wuppertal company Innlights Displaysolutions. The Innlights LED product InnScreen S3, with a material thickness of only 42 mm, was used here. The LED modules were mounted directly on the drywall and can be easily inspected from the front. For safety reasons, fire-resistant Macrolon panes were installed as an overlay for the LED screens. The media installation in the Cologne club InCavall extends over a length of 53 meters with different image heights. The technical specifications of InnScreen S3 demonstrate their outstanding quality using Black Face LED technology for indoor use: fine pixel pitch of 3.9 mm, wide viewing angle of 140° vertically and horizontally, very good brightness of up to 1,200 cd/sqm and a high refresh rate of 3,840 Hz. The low power consumption of an average of 216 W/sqm is a great advantage given the long operating times of the permanently installed LED technology. The media installation is supplemented by a further 18 sqm with two impressive LED panels on the counter and on the DJ desk. The feed via a total of eleven Full HD containers is controlled via the Innlights software Remote Control App (Innlights RCA). Kolja Birkenbach from Innlights: „We made a conscious effort to ensure that the feed via smartphone or tablet is easy for the customer to use, so that content-related program changes and customizations can be made on site at any time and without specialist knowledge.“ This means a networked RCA system for the installation with master/slave synchronization. The customer can call up different moods and also edit text via overlay, which can be animated over all LED image surfaces using an alpha channel. TRENDCARD, as the supervising agency, is responsible for the import of current themed image programs and thus supports the constant further development of the LED image world. As part of a service contract, the Innlights ServiceDesk 24/7 is responsible for the technical control of the extensive media installation. This ensures for the customer that the technology is permanently monitored, including an on-site service in the event of any malfunctions, without the customer having to take any action. TRENDCARD managing director Thomas Klem is very satisfied with the result: „The unlimited possibilities of visual digitization, in connection with the modern and stylish architecture, make the InCavall a special place in downtown Cologne. We provided project management, media technology, electrical and fire protection planning and installation. For operation, we also supplied the server structure with the necessary IT processes, including the camera system, with which we can monitor the quality of the media installation at all times. With the experience gained in this project, we will now specifically promote 360° media installation projects.“
The Beach in the central of Wuppertal
Innlights “Kitchen Beach” equipped with InnScreen R3 from Innlights.
“We deliver that holiday feeling in the heart of Wuppertal! We launched Kitchen Beach so that our guests can chill out in the best beach atmosphere. What would be more appropriate than the sight of the sea from the beach lounger with sand under your feet? ”Paolo Frisella, owner of the Kitchen Klub, is enthusiastic about the success of his summer idea in the middle of Wuppertal-Elberfeld between CinemaxX and Schauspielhaus. And the beach concept with LED picture background was also very well received by “wuppertalaktiv!”, the location marketing association for Wuppertal. And so the “Business Breakfast” took place on August 25th in the popular beach location. In view of the large amount of space available on around 2,000 square meters, all current pandemic requirements can be met without any problems. And so the visitors enjoy the beach with a view. And it has it all: At 16 meters, the ocean surf can be seen in the highest quality with 4,096 px in width as a panorama image. Innlights InnScreen R3 with its fine pixel pitch of 3.9 mm makes this possible. Kolja Birkenbach from Innlights Displaysolutions lists the advantages of the installed LED technology: “The outdoor LED panorama is of course weatherproof and robust, high-resolution and with 4,000 cd/sqm capable of unlimited daylight. The viewing angle is very large at 140° vertically, resulting in a homogeneous panorama image for the viewer. InnScreen R3 is also very energy-efficient in operation. Our own video processing with InnVision SCL is also used for this project. ” The LED panorama is displayed in a particularly user-friendly manner via the Innlights Remote Control App (RCA). The customer can intuitively prepare, control and change the video content himself from his mobile phone via Innlights RCA. A special highlight of the Wuppertal beach project is the connection of the Innlights RCA to local weather data and time, so that the sea view always matches the actual weather mood. The guests can see the last rays of sunshine at Kitchen Beach and at the same time experience the atmospheric sunset by the sea. For the event from wuppertalaktiv! of course, it wasn’t the sea, but the Wuppertal suspension railway rushing through the panorama picture. Thanks to Innlights RCA, the pre-produced image content could be easily adapted for the event. Now, in September, summer is drawing to a close. But Paolo Frisella is already working on other eye-catching concepts for Kitchen Beach and Kitchen Club and can be sure that Innlights can support him with the right LED technology.
LED-Walls for Outdoor-Cinemas
Innlights implements several full-service installations
Special times need special solutions. Instead of large LED displays for trade fairs and events, large format LED video wall solutions for drive-in events are in demand. Here, visitors can experience variety safely and at a distance from each other outside the home, with the family or in pairs. Kolja Birkenbach from Innlights Displaysolutions notes: „The tried-and-tested drive-in format is currently experiencing a revival. Thanks to bright LED technology, the image is bright and completely independent of dusk or dark. This allows organizers to freely plan their program.” In Remscheid, on April 22, 2020, Innlights installed an almost 20 meter wide LED wall for the drive-in cinema of the organizer Clalüna Connection GmbH on Schützenplatz. „Because of the large parking areas, drive-in cinema also means large, impressive cinema images in high resolution for a lasting viewer experience in every visitor vehicle“, says the client Patrick Clalüna. InnScreen Y4 HE and X4 HE were used, whose LED modules differ only in their size. Planning and implementation of the project was carried out by Innlights Displaysolutions. This also included the application and approval of the exclusive VHF radio frequencies for the sound transmission via FM transmitter. This enables viewers to receive the sound directly from their car radios. Innlights also supplied the playback technology for the drive-in cinema on Schützenplatz. The in-house technicians look after the media installation on a daily basis.
Movies are shown in the afternoons and evenings. In a second installation, Innlights also installed an LED display with a width of 18 meters and a height of 7.5 meters for the drive-in cinema on P4 at Paderborn Airport on April 29, 2020. With the high-resolution LED wall (4,608 x 1,920 pixels), a very high image contrast and the brightness of 4,000 cd/m², the pre-program and cinema films shine in the best quality. The fully compatible InnScreen Q3 HE and InnScreen R3 HE LED modules are used. Both systems are equipped with the “Black Face SMD 1921”. The InnVision SCXL video controller launched by Innlights in March enables perfect video playback. Innlights RCA also uses products developed in-house for playback technology. Trailers and advertising blocks for various cinema screenings are quickly and easily played here. The entire project was implemented by Innlights on behalf of Impossible Show Solutions GmbH from Hamburg. This also included the planning of the Layher scaffolding for the free-standing 135 sqm screen. The construction was developed in cooperation with the company Thönen und Partner. „As part of our full service, we use trained industrial climbers and have driving permissions for all vehicles and lifting devices required on site. We set up the LED wall in just two days. Amongst other things 40 t of weights placed for protection“, says Kolja Birkenbach. Thomas Klem, managing director of Innlights Displaysolutions, sees the revival of the drive-in cinema as a success story: „We currently have many inquiries for drive-in cinema solutions and are already implementing other projects, not just for the playback of cinema programs.“
Innlights presents its own videoprocessing
InnVision SCL and SCXL are new high-end controllers for LED screens. In addition to numerous InnScreen LED series, Innlights now offers its own developed solution for the control of LED panels.
InnVision is designed for the high-quality and brilliant rendering of Full-HD and UHD image signals on LED displays. In order to be able to display the features of the new controllers, all new InnScreen LED panels are already equipped with the new InnVision-i9 receiving cards. The InnVision controllers ensure exactly synchronized splicing and cascading in multi-controller installations with options for brightness/color adjustment as well as optimized gray levels at low brightness values. With these controllers, operations such as Picture in Picture or Scaling, Zoom and Splitting are being supported.
InnVision SCL is designed for efficient and flexible video processing up to 1,920 x 1,200 Px @ 60 Hz and displays video sources even up to a color depth of 12 bit. InnVision SCL processes the video data latency-free and supports HDCP 1.4. In version SCXL the controller is designed for 4k video and UHD HDR image processing and supports HDCP 2.2. InnVision SCXL processes video signals up to 3.840 x 2.160 Px @ 60 Hz. In width/height, a maximum of 8,192 pixels can be displayed. Furthermore the controller is suitable for 3D playback. Both broadcast standards, side-by-side horizontal and top-and-bottom, can be used.
Marius Kuschmierz, Head of Technical Project Management, describes the customer benefits of the new video processing: “In combination with our LED display products, the InnVision controllers offer the best possible image quality for all conceivable applications, both indoors and outdoors. And together with our auxiliary solutions such as Innlights RCA, the customer receives everything from one source for rental and permanent installation. At the same time Marius Kuschmierz already announces the next development: “Soon
we will bring an additional controller with InnVision SCXL Pro on the market. With four 10 G fiber optic outputs it provides great optimizations for the cable connection of LED screens”.