Essener Lichterwochen with LED-mesh by Innlights
InnScreen I30 for semi-transparent outdoor video installation. It is dawning early in these days. At the Willy-Brandt-Platz in Essen, this created the necessary framework for a very special event. As part of the “Essener Lichterwochen”, every evening from October 29 to January 7, the video installation “Curtain of Light” is shown on a giant LED curtain.
Exciting motifs and animations on the subject of “Green Capital Europe – Essen 2017” were presented. The 16-meter-wide LED mesh curtain hung between two buildings on a 60-meter steel cable. In mesh technology, the individual SMD LEDs are arranged on a dimensionally stable carrier network. The nets can be plugged together and can create large image areas when combined. The LED product from Innlights Displaysolutions in Wuppertal, Germany, is called the InnScreen I30 and weighs just 8.6 kg/m², making it ideal for large, hanging outdoor applications. The mesh product with a pixel pitch of 30 millimeters and a transparency of 45% is safe to use even under heavy wind loads. At the same time, the image brightness of 2,000 cd/m² is very brilliant. Innlights not only supplied and installed the LED technology, but also provided the video processing and playback technology. The image content and program flow was produced by the communication agency V2A.NET from Essen. All content has been specially designed for the semi-transparent LED curtain. Innlights Managing Director Thomas Klem comments: “The technical advantages on the one hand and the creative possibilities on the other hand achieved the impressive image effect of the LED curtain at the “Essener Lichterwochen”. Thanks to the transparent LED technology, the pictures were atmospherically collaged with the backdrop of the illuminated square”.